The 11th Anniversary of the Two Ghoutas Attack: Despite Perpetrating its Largest, Most Lethal Chemical Weapons Attack on Syrian Citizens, the Syrian Regime Is...
A Case Must be Brought Before the ICJ Against the Syrian Regime for Violating the CWC
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The Hague – Syrian Network for...
The OPCW Disproves the Syrian Regime’s Allegations About Two Incidents Which the Regime Requested Investigation Of
With the OPCW Having Disproven the Regime’s Allegations About Five Attacks to Date, SNHR Renews its Calls on the OPCW Not to Waste Further...
On The Seventh Anniversary of the Syrian Regime’s CW Attack on Khan Sheikhoun and the Sixth Anniversary of The Syrian Regime’s CW on Douma...
SNHR Reiterates its Calls for the CWC State Parties to File a Lawsuit Against the Syrian Regime Before the ICJ
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The Hague...
For a Second Time, the OPCW Disproves the Syrian Regime’s Allegations About the Occurrence of A Chemical Weapons Incident Attributed to ISIS
SNHR Renews its Calls on the OPCW Not to Waste Further Resources and Efforts on Any Allegations by A Regime Whose Deadly Use of...
SNHR Welcomes the Findings of the OPCW IIT’s Report Proving ISIS’ Use of Chemical Weapons in Marea in September 2015
SNHR is a Principal Source in All the Reports Released by the IIT, Supporting the Team’s Crucial Mandate in Syria
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On Friday,...
On the Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare: the Syrian Regime Still Possesses a Chemical Weapon Arsenal, With Serious Concerns Over...
No Fewer than 1,514 Syrian Citizens Have Suffocated to Death in Chemical Weapons Attacks, including 214 Children and 262 Women, with 12,000 Injured Still...
29 Morally Bankrupt Governments, Headed by Russia, Voted Against the OPCW’s Resolutions
Many States Worldwide Must Bring Cases Against the Syrian Regime Before the ICJ Over the Regime’s Repeated Violations of the CWC
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The 10th Anniversary of Two Ghoutas Attack: The Largest Chemical Weapons Attack by the Syrian Regime on Syrian Citizens
Although a Decade Has Passed Since the Largest Chemical Weapon Attack in the Modern Age, the Criminal Regime is Still Protected by its Impunity
Today is the Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare: The Syrian Regime Must be Held Accountable
No fewer than 1,510 Syrian citizens have been suffocated to death by chemical weapons, including 205 children and 260 women. The victims’ families...
The Ninth Anniversary of the Largest Chemical Weapons Attack by the Syrian Regime against Syrian Citizens in the Two Ghoutas of Damascus
The 194 Women and 99 Children Killed Constituted a Third of All the Victims, Showing the Syrian Regime’s Deliberate Intention to Kill the Largest...